B&B spoilers reveal Steffy takes extreme measures by calling security to remove Hope from Forrester Creations, while Ridge fully supports his daughter's shocking power play against...
The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease rising tensions between Liam and Finn as Sheila's latest drama unfolds. Liam confronts Finn about protecting Steffy, siding with...
B&B spoilers: As the murder investigation intensifies, a key piece of evidence vanishes from Il Giardino. This mysterious disappearance could lead to the evidence being planted...
B&B spoilers reveal Sheila Sharpe manipulating Hope Logan's anger towards Steffy Forrester over Thomas's engagement. As Hope potentially seeks comfort with Finn, Sheila sees an opportunity...
Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that Steffy Forrester's ultimatum forces Finn Finnegan to reject Sheila Sharpe, leading to Sheila's fury erupting.