After a devastating fight with Brooke over Hope's actions, Ridge makes a dramatic exit and finds comfort with Taylor and Steffy. Will this family crisis lead...
Ridge's hypocrisy reaches new heights as he expects Brooke to forgive Thomas's CPS scheme while supporting Hope's firing over one kiss. Meanwhile, his own Monaco kiss...
After overhearing Ridge and Taylor criticizing Hope, Brooke confronts them in an explosive showdown that could spell the end of her relationship with Ridge. The long-simmering...
Ridge sees disturbing parallels between Carter's alliance with Hope and his past affair with Quinn. Is their friendship destroyed forever? Get the latest B&B spoilers on...
As Taylor battles Broken Heart Syndrome, memories resurface of Ridge abandoning her at the altar. Despite his declarations of love, Ridge's heart remains with Brooke, leaving...
B&B spoilers reveal Steffy's convinced her parents share an undeniable spark, while Taylor insists she's moved on from Ridge. But is Taylor's denial masking deeper feelings?...
B&B spoilers expose Hope Logan's stunning deception - crying victim over Steffy's treatment while secretly planning to seize control of Forrester with Carter. Has Hope been...
B&B spoilers expose Taylor's double standards as she condemns Hope for pursuing Finn while married to Steffy, conveniently forgetting her own attempts to steal Ridge from...
In a shocking turn of events at Forrester Creations, Steffy Forrester has taken her rivalry with Hope Logan to unprecedented levels, declaring she’d rather see the...
B&B spoilers reveal Brooke discovers Hope and Carter's plot to take over Forrester Creations. Will protecting her daughter cost Brooke everything with Ridge? Get the latest...