Hope Logan's attempt to seize Forrester Creations raises serious questions about her leadership abilities and entitled attitude. Despite HFTF's declining sales, she claims both legacy rights...
Steffy and Hope's rivalry explodes as accusations fly about manipulation of multiple men at Forrester. Hope's defiant stance against "second-class" treatment sparks fierce battle. Get the...
As Taylor battles Broken Heart Syndrome, memories resurface of Ridge abandoning her at the altar. Despite his declarations of love, Ridge's heart remains with Brooke, leaving...
Eric Forrester welcomed Hope and Carter into his family with open arms, treating them like his own children. Now they're scheming to steal his company through...
B&B spoilers expose Taylor's double standards as she condemns Hope for pursuing Finn while married to Steffy, conveniently forgetting her own attempts to steal Ridge from...
B&B spoilers: Taylor Hayes confronts Finn about Hope's suspicious lingerie incident. After Steffy fired Hope, mother-in-law Taylor wants the whole truth about what really went down...
The Bold and the Beautiful fans spot major clue about Thomas Forrester's future as Matthew Atkinson removes "The Bold and the Beautiful Actor" from his Instagram...
The Bold and Beautiful spoilers reveal Carter Walton makes a shocking discovery that could save Hope for the Future. His legal expertise may force Ridge and...
B&B spoilers reveal Steffy Forrester's iron grip on Forrester Creations grows stronger as Ridge and Eric fail to challenge her controversial decisions. Will anyone stand up...
The Bold and the Beautiful's Carter Walton may be ready to make a bold move away from Forrester Creations. Could LA's top fashion lawyer build his...