B&B drama unfolds as Steffy plots to reunite Ridge and Taylor amid shocking health revelation. Will Taylor's illness be the key to splitting Ridge and Brooke?
Taylor faces a deadly heart condition on Bold and Beautiful, leaving Ridge devastated. As Steffy schemes for her parents' reunion, Brooke fights tooth and nail. Will...
Luna Nozawa's surprise call from prison sets B&B ablaze with speculation. Is she planning a daring escape? Will RJ or Zende fall into her trap? Discover...
Steffy Forrester escalates her revenge against Hope by targeting Brooke's marriage to Ridge. Is this karmic justice or going too far? Get the latest Bold and...
Bold and Beautiful spoilers reveal Hope's conflicted heart leads to Carter's heartbreak. As Taylor faces a health crisis, Thomas returns, rekindling his romance with Hope. Will...
Hope's foray into lingerie modeling for Brooke's Bedroom catches Finn's attention, leaving Steffy worried. Is this the beginning of the end for 'Sinn'? Get the latest...
The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease a fierce rivalry brewing between Brooke and Katie as their sons RJ and Will compete at Forrester Creations. Will...