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Days Of Our Lives

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Gwen’s Exit Raises Alarm for Dimitri’s Safety



Days Of Our Lives Spoilers Dimitri Leo Kristen DiMera

Top 5 Takeaways & Days Of Our Lives Spoilers:

  1. With Gwen Von Leuschner out of the picture, the danger hasn’t subsided for Dimitri. Vivian Alamain’s departure hasn’t assured him of safety either.
  2. Kristen DiMera’s thirst for the Von Leuschner fortune is unabated, and she is willing to resort to any means, even murder, to get her desired share.
  3. Dimitri’s presence in Salem is controversial. He continues to be a magnet for trouble, with potential threats emerging in the form of challenges like those once posed by Megan DiMera.
  4. Despite recovering from his injuries, Dimitri remains at risk. Leo, his loyal confidant, urges him to flee Salem for his safety. But escape is fraught with challenges, including devising a discreet departure strategy involving hospital disguises.
  5. As masters of laundering money, Dimitri and Leo now find themselves attempting a daring escape plan involving a laundry truck. As they make their getaway, they are reminded of their intricate past with Gwen and the Salem Spectator’s uncertain future.
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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Dimitri and Leo’s Desperate Escape From Salem’s Threats

Where can they run to though? Returning to the DiMera mansion poses too much risk. Dimitri prides himself as a planner and has ideas, but first they need to sneak out undetected. Leo proposes disguising themselves and stealing a hospital laundry cart, a talent of his. Being smaller, Leo will hide under sheets and scrubs in the large cart, while Dimitri poses as an orderly wheeling him out.

Better than pretending Leo is a corpse headed to the morgue! Laundering fugitives beats laundering money, which both Dimitri and Leo know well. Dimitri will drive the outbound laundry truck from the hospital, scalpel in hand – the one Gwen tried using previously. With Gwen abandoning the Spectator, Leo’s Lady Whistleblower column remains his only Salem tie, if it even continues.

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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – A New Scheme

Leo loves scheming and thinks his laundry cart idea may be one of his best. He can’t wait to tell Will Horton all about it, once they’re safely away and reinventing themselves again. Dimitri worries what Kristen may do next, though her revenge focus has shifted to Gwen. Leo convinces Dimitri they’re smarter than Kristen and her goons.


  • Jennifer DeAngelo

    Jennifer D’Angelo is a seasoned soap opera columnist with an impressive 39-year history in the world of daytime dramas. An ardent fan of “Days of Our Lives,” “The Bold and the Beautiful,” and “The Young and the Restless,” Jennifer’s captivating commentary has become a must-read feature in Soap Opera Magazine. Away from the glitz and drama of the soap opera world, Jennifer is a gifted culinary enthusiast who enjoys cooking and baking. Her tantalizing dishes often serve as a lively backdrop to her viewing parties and fan meetups. A devoted Los Angeles Dodgers fan, Jennifer’s love for baseball provides yet another layer to her engaging personality. Jennifer D’Angelo, with her deep knowledge of soap operas and her broad array of personal interests, is a beloved voice in the world of daytime drama commentary.

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