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The Young and the Restless

The Young and the Restless Recap March 21st Recap: Victor Offers Jill an Alternative



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The drama begins with Jill arriving at the ranch to meet Victor, who has called her there with an urgent message. She is late for an arbitration hearing and warns Victor that she has to leave soon. Victor, however, thinks his timing is perfect. Meanwhile, Nate walks into Victoria’s office, and she wants to discuss budget numbers with him. However, Nate wants to discuss something else first. While Victoria tries to help him, Audra spies on them from the hall and walks off.

At the arbitration hearing, Amanda, a lawyer, informs Devon that she took Lily’s case because she drew up the merger in the first place. Devon argues that it is about right and wrong and the history, knowing how much time he put into Hamilton-Winters. Amanda knows this and asks Devon if he remembers all of the long conversations they had about Neil. She thinks Devon is touting his loyalty as a joke. Devon asks if this is about revenge for her then. Amanda tells him not to flatter himself. Watching him lose will just be a perk. Meanwhile, Christine takes Devon inside the hearing room, and Chris warns her client not to let them get under his skin. Devon is just letting them think they got to him.

While all this is going on, Audra is sitting in Newman Media’s office when Elena walks in. She guesses Nate is in a meeting with Victoria. Audra confirms it and suggests they go get coffee. In the main office, Nate tells Victoria he hopes that what happened won’t change their work dynamic. Victoria reassures him and apologizes if she made him feel uncomfortable. Nate surprises her by saying no apology is necessary, and he knows she doesn’t really believe she over-stepped. Victoria laughs and admits she doesn’t.

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Back at the ranch, Victor challenges Jill about going to war with Devon over Hamilton-Winters and pit Lily against her brother. Jill says they both know when dealing with family, things can get ugly. She points out that Devon accepted the merger, and says she likes the company the way it is. Victor understands she has a vision for her company, but how would Katherine feel to know she drew a hard line with her grandson? Jill notes he’s playing the Katherine card. She reminds him Katherine had a lot of opinions she didn’t agree with. Katherine can take it up with her in the afterlife. She tells Victor that Devon shot down all their attempts to settle the matter and observes that he’s not in a strong position legally. Victor thinks this will damage her personal relationship with Devon, which would be a shame. Jill nods. Victor asked her to come there because he wants to offer her an alternative.

At the hearing, Amanda argues that Devon wants to throw everything he’s built away, and in doing so, he may cause irreparable damage to the existing company. Christine whispers to her client, Devon, to hold it together, and Devon asks for a recess for lunch. The arbitrator agrees. In the coffee house, Amanda and Lily sit in a booth, and Amanda tells her the case is going as well as expected. Lily is torn as the way they’re going about this is causing Devon pain. Amanda argues that it’s her job to use whatever she has in her arsenal. She reminds Lily that Devon brought this on himself.

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In Society, Devon apologizes to Christine for calling for a recess. It’s just that Amanda’s clearly enjoying taking shots at him and Lily’s letting her hit below the belt. It’s a lot harder than he thought sitting back and saying nothing when the attacks are personal. Amanda literally just wants to watch everything he’s built burn to the ground. Chris urges him to vent his feelings to her privately, not at arbitration, which could hurt their case. Devon asks if Christine got a read on her. “Was it bad?” Chris’s face falls.

Back at the Newman office, Victoria continues to talk with Nate. She explains that the company is going to be putting on a charity event and asks if he has any interest in helping out. Nate responds positively and says he would love to. As they talk about the event, the two become closer, and their chemistry is undeniable.

At Crimson Lights, Elena is still contemplating Audra’s idea. She knows it’s not right to exploit someone for ratings, but the idea of working closely with Nate again is tempting. She can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to make it work without hurting anyone.

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Meanwhile, at the ranch, Victor continues to urge Jill to reconsider her position. He can’t allow the destruction of the company that Neil and Devon built. Now that Devon is more involved in Abby’s life and his grandson’s life, he wants to ensure the legacy passes on. He’s willing to offer Jill the money she feels Chancellor deserves, but only if she agrees to keep the company private.

In Society, Christine and Devon return to the hearing room. Amanda and Lily have already taken their seats, and the arbitrator signals that the hearing will resume. Amanda resumes her questioning of Devon, focusing on his reasons for wanting to dissolve the merger. Devon explains that he was promised a family-run company, not a public one, and that he wants to preserve his father’s legacy. Amanda counters that he entered into a contractual agreement that did not specify the company would remain private. Devon argues that he was deceived and coerced into the merger.

As the hearing continues, tensions run high between Devon and Amanda, while Lily struggles with her conflicted feelings about the case. Back at Newman, Nate and Victoria continue to work closely together, their chemistry growing stronger by the minute. And at Crimson Lights, Elena weighs Audra’s idea carefully, unsure of how to proceed.

As the day wears on, the fate of Hamilton-Winters hangs in the balance, and the lives of those involved are forever changed.


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