Young and the Restless spoilers tease a fierce legal battle between Michael Baldwin and Christine Blair as Sharon Newman's fate hangs in the balance. Who will...
Victor Newman tasks Michael Baldwin with sabotaging Cole Howard's life in Genoa City. Will Michael comply to regain Victor's trust, or refuse and face the consequences?...
Lauren Fenmore loses it when Victor Newman's lies to Lily Winters come to light on Y&R. Will Michael's involvement destroy his marriage and Lily's trust?
Young and the Restless shock: Audra exposes Victor as Glissade's secret investor to Nate. Kyle struggles with loyalty, Summer's family ties tested, Jack and Diane plot...
Audra Charles confesses Victor Newman's hidden role in Glissade to Nate Hastings, realizing she's caught in a dangerous proxy war between the Newmans and Abbotts.
Victor Newman schemes to exploit Jill Abbott's cardiac issues, planning to seize Chancellor-Winters once Billy fails. Will his plot to put Nikki in charge succeed?
Summer Newman detonates a family nuke, seeking sole custody of Harrison. Kyle fights for his son as the Abbotts implode. Will Genoa City survive the fallout?...
Traci Abbott and Dr. Alan Laurent spark romance, while Audra Charles and Nate Hastings show chemistry in the latest Young and the Restless spoilers. Love is...
The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal Victor's manipulative agenda as he tasks Michael Baldwin and Cole Howard to get close to Diane and Kyle.
Discover how Michael Baldwin and Cole Howard, once ousted, now turn to espionage within the Abbott family for Victor Newman's risky scheme on The Young and...