Young and the Restless spoilers reveal Billy Abbott and Diane Jenkins, both recently displaced from their corporate positions, form an unexpected alliance to regain their business...
Young and the Restless drama unfolds as Audra Charles reveals Victor's secret Glissade investment to Jack Abbott, leading to a potential deal that could damage Jack...
Young and the Restless spoilers reveal Diane and Jack's risky plot to rescue Kyle from Victor's grip at Newman. Will their shocking scheme work or backfire...
Y&R spoilers: Kyle Abbott's alliance with Victor Newman may backfire. As Kyle faces regrets and family pressure, will he wake up and turn the tables on...
Y&R spoilers: Victor Newman's secret investment in Glissade and Kyle Abbott's new role as co-CEO spark a fresh round of conflict with Jack Abbott. How will...
The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal Victor's manipulative agenda as he tasks Michael Baldwin and Cole Howard to get close to Diane and Kyle.
Diane Jenkins-Abbott confronts Jack Abbott about his role as Nikki Newman's sponsor and the risks his decisions pose to his well-being.
Young and the Restless spoilers featuring Jill Abbott's secret health battle, creating internal drama at Chancellor-Winters.
Claire Grace seeks redemption by asking Summer Newman for another chance, hoping to mend their strained relationship.
Y&R spoilers reveal Nikki's dramatic episode at the Athletic Club, with Jack intervening in a crucial moment. How will this affect their futures?