Days Of Our Lives
DAYS Spoilers: Connie Reveals Stefan and Ava’s Affair to Gabi!

DAYS Spoilers: Connie Spills the Tea, Gabi’s World Implodes!
Oh boy, Salemites! Grab your popcorn and settle in, because Monday’s episode of Days of Our Lives is about to serve up some piping hot drama!
Connie’s Shocking Revelation
Remember how Connie Viniski’s been sitting on a juicy secret? Well, she’s finally ready to spill the beans to Gabi Hernandez DiMera, and trust me, it’s a doozy! At first, Gabi’s gonna be all “No way, José,” but once Connie starts dishing out the deets she overheard, Gabi’s gonna have no choice but to face the music.
So, picture this: Connie, bless her nosy heart, was eavesdropping on Ava Vitali and Kristen DiMera’s little tête-à-tête. And what does she hear? Only that Ava and Stefan DiMera were getting hot and heavy while Gabi was cooling her heels in the slammer! Talk about a knife to the heart, right?
Gabi’s Explosive Reaction
As Connie spills the tea, you can almost see the lightbulb going off over Gabi’s head. All those shifty looks and hushed convos between Ava and Stefan? Yeah, they’re suddenly making a whole lot of sense. It’s like when you finally find the last piece of a puzzle, except this puzzle is Gabi’s shattered trust. Ouch!
And folks, Gabi’s reaction? It’s gonna be epic. Remember that fancy flower arrangement Stefan sent over? Let’s just say it’s about to become very well acquainted with the inside of a trash can. Hell hath no fury like a Gabi scorned!
But hold onto your hats, ’cause this rollercoaster ain’t stopping yet! While Gabi’s plotting her revenge (and oh boy, is she ever), Ava and Stefan are busy trying to sweep their guilt under the rug. But just when they think they’re in the clear, BAM! Gabi’s gonna show up in the town square, looking madder than a wet hen and twice as determined to ruffle some feathers.
Body and Soul Drama
Meanwhile, over in the land of Body and Soul, Kate Roberts Brady’s having a day that would make even the most zen among us want to pull our hair out. Despite her best efforts to keep the show on track, problems keep piling up faster than dirty laundry. Thank goodness for Roman Brady, right? He’s always there to lend an ear when Kate needs to vent.
Unexpected Connections
In a surprising twist, Johnny DiMera’s about to make an unexpected friend in Bonnie Kiriakis. Who would’ve thought? But with Bonnie auditioning for Body and Soul and Johnny in the director’s chair, these two are finding some common ground. It’s like a soap opera meets… well, another soap opera!
Mistaken Identity Mayhem
And speaking of unexpected pairings, get this: Leo Stark’s about to have a run-in with “Marlena Evans” – except it’s not really Marlena, it’s her doppelganger, Hattie Adams! Poor Leo doesn’t have a clue about Marlena’s lookalike, so he’s in for one heck of a shock. Can you say “identity crisis”?
But wait, there’s more! Later in the week, Leo’s gonna come to a wild conclusion about Marlena having multiple personalities. Oh, honey, if you only knew!